Devon and Cornwall Community Watch Association (DaCCWA) is the recognised umbrella organisation for Community Watch Schemes across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Launched in 1998, its core aim is to bring people together to create strong, friendly, active and resilient communities where crime and anti-social behaviour are less likely to happen.

With more than 68,000 households being active members of its Neighbourhood Watch Schemes, DaCCWA also orchestrates a growing collection of other Watch Schemes which address more specific communities and areas including Boat Watch, Horse Watch, Hotel Watch, Farm Watch, Caravan Watch and Heritage Watch.

It provides the expertise, structure and partnerships necessary to enable these Watch Schemes to be launched and maintained, supplying the knowledge, resources and support that people can collaboratively use to help cut crime and reduce the fear of crime.

Through its dedicated network of local Watch Offices, it equally inspires Co-ordinators of its Neighbourhood Watch Schemes to think about how they can combat loneliness, care for the more vulnerable members of their communities and ultimately improve both their social atmosphere and sense of community spirit through bringing people together with a shared goal.  

DaCCWA works closely with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Devon and Cornwall Police whilst liaising with the other emergency services and like-minded community organisations.

It also represents all Neighbourhood Watch Schemes based in both counties with the national Neighbourhood Watch Network.

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Registered Association Number 1074233
Registered Office: Launceston Police Station, Moorland Road, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 7HY
